Art- Style Game - Bachelor - Project

Production Leader, Level Designer, 2D Designer and Programmer + Sound Designer (Solo project).

Art Style Game

With the emergence of new technologies, more and more people have become familiarized with playing computer games that include educational aspects.
My bachelor project seeks to find new ways to convey art and art history by using new technologies. More specifically it is focused on creating a purposive game that motivates players to want to learn more about different art styles in paintings.
In order to conduct the appropriate research for this project, the iterative design method was used and the results were both quantitative and qualitative. The game was therefore tested several times throughout its construction phase and improvements of the game were added after each testing.

We developed a purposive game with learning aspects within art-styles.

See more in depth in the video below. Voice actor Jacob Lyngaard Olsen.

Production area

2D concept design
Level Designer
Game Designer
Sound Designer
Play testing