Games made by Sandra Fagerli
IT skills

Programming skills: PHP, C++, C#, Html, Css, Actionscript 3.0
I have trough the years learned how to program different applications. Example is this homepage made with Html, Css, a bit Php and Actionscript 3.0.

While taking the Bachelor of Science in Medialogy some of the different programming courses I had was as following:

Computer Graphics Rendering
Computer Graphics Programming
Interactive Systems Design
Object Oriented Software Engineering
Procedural Programming
Image Processing

I learned basics about shader programming, and I have used this to also create nodes and shaders in Blender, example see my unicorn.
This project led me to a possition as a Teaching Assistent in Computer Graphics Rendering at Aalborg University Copenhagen

I have learned how to program game designs elements, forexample how to control a charchter in a 3D game enviroment. Or how to make a 2D platformer game, you can see how i programmed a 2D plaformer game under my Bachelor project.

When working with Game-development i have used Unity. While working with different 3D-moddeling programs I have worked with: Blender, Autodesk - Maya, and worked a bit in 3D studio Max aswell.