Games made by Sandra Fagerli

Art- Style Game - Bachelor - Project

Art Style Game

This project involves finding new ways to convey art and art history by using new technologies. More specifically it is focused on creating a purposive game that motivates players to learn more about different art styles in paintings.
In order to conduct the appropriate research for this project the iterative design method was used and the results were both quantitative and qualitative. The game was therefore tested several times throughout its construction and improvements of the game were added after each testing.

Read more about my bachelor project

Terra Nostra - Medialogy Purposive Game Production

Terra Nostra - Global warming Game

Rolling Rampage - Arcade Game

Rolling Rampage

Rolling Rampage was an Arcade Game developed in 2013. It was my first game developed in Unity. The game was created as a semester project in my bachelor of Medialogy at 2 semester. We developed the game to Roskilde Festival 2013. Where it was exhibitied at a coffe shop, where the arcade game was formed as a coffe table. See the video below.
My role in the project was a concept artist, making 2D pcitures of the charchters and then craete them as 3D models, whereafter I textured all the different charchters.

Read more about Rolling Rampage

Eggscellent Escape - Nordic Game Jam 2015

Nordic Game Jam 2015

Eggscellent Escape was a game created during the Nordic Game Jam 2015 , we got a second place in the first election. And we where very proud that we managed to develop a 3 level multiplayer cooperative game in 48 hours. About 2 chickens escape from the han pit. More about Eggscellent Escape